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What services does Aliter provide?

Welcome on this page, at which we would like to shortly explain to non-Dutch speaking people what Aliter stands for. This page does not only serve to introduce ourselves and our services, but more in particular, to specify the ways in which we can be of assistance to you. If you have further questions after the explanation do not hesitate to contact us on number (040) 737 06 26, where we will be able to answer to your inquiries, in English or even in German or French if requested.

We can help you with your finances or budget

Aliter provides assistance in situations that one is incapable of taking care of one's day-to-day financial concerns. In those instances, Aliter can take over your budgetary concerns on a temporarily or structurally basis and by doing so, it can alleviate your burden. Aliter's intervention can be achieved in different fashions. The manner, as well as the extent of provided service, will partly depend on your individual requests. We supply bewindvoering, curatele, inkomensbeheer and budgetcoaching according to Dutch law. Our goal is to gain a gradual command over your financial turmoil, which will be achieved through close cooperation between you and us.

Bewindvoering and curatele

As the terms bewindvoering and curatele are stipulated in the Dutch penal code, we shall use the Dutch terminology, instead of a translation, to clarify what they involve. In doing so we avoid any confusions that could be related to inadequate translations.

Bewindvoering and curatele are both legislative measures. The measures under bewindvoering serve to protect the financial assets of adults who lack the capacity to properly take care of their financial interests themselves. Thereby, it not only protects adults against themselves, but also against people who could abuse them financially. It is not the person that is being put under the measure, but his or her assets. Once the administrative measure is in place, the personal assets that have been put under bewindvoering, will be administered by Aliter, which means that you will no longer have personal access to them. The bewindvoering measure which is being applied to persons not being able to autonomously manage their finances can either be temporary or permanent, depending on the circumstances. The legislative measure is applied when a person’s mental or physical condition severely impair one’s financial independence: in the case of excessive indebtedness, or when extravagant expenditure has been established.

The guardianship measure, curatele, only occurs when one is no longer in a position to (entirely) oversee the impact or the consequences of one’s actions. The lack of management must result from either a mental or a physical condition which can be related to alcohol or drugs abuse. A person placed under guardianship is being adjugated incompetent, which means that one has no longer the autonomy to decide over one’s financial assets nor one’s healthcare.

Income governance and budget coaching

Income governance, inkomensbeheer, and budget coaching are voluntary measures which are stipulated in a mutual agreement. In the case of governance, one willingly entrusts one’s finances to Aliter. This will be achieved by giving Aliter a mandate or power of attorney. Anyone can request governance and the agreement can be dissolved at any time. It is important to notice that in this form of management, in contrast to bewindvoering, you will keep your financial authority. Depending the nature of your request, Aliter has four different kinds of income governance on offer.

With budget coaching the management of your financial assets remain completely under your authority. The measure is aimed at preventing excessive debts by acquiring budget skills. This will be achieved by implementing money saving tips in concordance to changes in behaviour. Budget coaching is not aimed at solving huge financial difficulties, rather at changing habits to prevent such a state.

Who represent Aliter?

Aliter means different. To start, the founders of Aliter, Mattijs van Merle and Linda Roffel, constitute an exceptional pair: the former one being a business administrator and the latter a lawyer. Figures and law, seem quite divergent, though in this instance they are, in fact, complementary. Furthermore, besides their respective jobs they contribute to society by doing volunteer work in Eindhoven: he at a centre for homeless people, and she at Humanitas Home-Start+.

Their distinct life experience entails that their attitude to their work is rather unique: more differentiated, yet from a critical perspective. That is why they have chosen for the two-man rule. Additionally, they propose free consultation at Van der Werffstraat 14 in Eindhoven, on Mondays from 13:30 to 15:00. Lastly, they use an ingenious software program which is aimed at gaining financial self-sufficiency. To resume, Aliter can provide you with individual support, needed in the increasingly more complex contemporary financial society.

Everybody is different and we deliver a personalised service, adapted to your needs. Do not hesitate to call us on (040) 737 06 26 to make an appointment or request further information.

  • Postbus 603
    5600 AP Eindhoven
  • info@aliter.nl
  • (040) 737 06 26
  • Klik hier voor ons contactformulier.